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What is the name of your best friend from childhood?
What is the name of your best friend in high school?
What was the name of your first pet?
What was the first thing you learned to cook?
What was the first film you saw in the theater?
Where did you go the first time you flew on a plane?
What is the last name of your favorite elementary school teacher?
What is your dream job?
What is your favorite children's book?
What was the model of your first car?
What was your childhood nickname?
Who was your favorite film star or character in school?
Who was your favorite singer or band in high school?
What was your first phone number?
In what city did your parents meet?
What was the first name of your first boss?
What is the name of the street where you grew up?
What is the name of the first beach you visited?
What was the first album that you purchased?
What is the name of your favorite sports team?
What is your answer?
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